Justin's raw granola

2 ½ cups buckwheat
2 ½ cups sunflower seeds
2 cups pumpkin seeds
1/2 cup chia seeds
dates - 10-12 medium size

blend/process: dates, coconut oil, chai spice, cinnamon
10-12 medjool dates, soaked & pits removed
2 Tbs coconut oil
1-2 Tb spices (chai & cinnamon)

coconut flakes - 1 cup

Soak all the above ingredients (seeds & dates) in their individual bowls.  Chia seeds will soak up about 1-2 cups water!  Soak everything for about 3-8 hours.  Rinse the seeds really well, and strain the water well too.  Combine all the ingredients into a large deep bowl.  Blend the remaining 3 ingredients (dates, oil & spices) in a small food processor.  Add this to your seeds & combine everything well.  Spread the mixture onto Teflex sheets, about 1/4 inch thick, for your food dehydrator.  This recipe will make about 4 sheets.  Dehydrate (105-110 degrees) for about 1-2 hours before removing from the Teflex and allowing to dehydrate on the mesh overnight.  We usually dehydrate for at least 10-12 hours total, and begin this process in the early afternoon so you will have time for soaking & to start the dehydration process before you go to bed.  Our kids LOVE this granola!!