Veggie Juice
Here is another recipe that mom sent me - a green vegetable juice that she is drinking to fight disease. It has less sugar for that reason. It is best when used with all organic ingredients. This
recipe makes about 2 quarts of juice depending on the freshness,
ripeness and water content of the vegetables. Cut the recipe in half to
yield 1 quart. You can also taste and adjust the ingredients to your
liking. Put all the following ingredients into your juicer! Enjoy!
10 stalks of celery
1-2 cucumbers (peeled if waxed)
2 bunches of Kale
2 bunches of spinach
2 bunches of dandelion
1 granny smith apple (optional)
1/2 stalk broccoli (optional)
1 lemon (peel the yellow rind, being careful to leave as much white pith on the lemon as possible)
1/4" ring of fresh Ginger Root, peeled
7-10 stalks of parsley (add last, after all the other ingredients have been juiced, because it tends to bind in the juicer)
Tips for success
1. Strain fresh prepared juice to increase absorption and benefit to the body
2. Store juice in glass jars with rubber seal. Fill jar as full as possible, as extra air trapped in the bottle destroys nutrients.
3. The highest nutritional value is within the first 45 minutes after making the juice. This is not always feasible; however, do not make your juice the night before. At a minimum, make your juice each morning and evening.
4. Buy enough vegetables for a weeks worth of juices: when you bring the vegetables home, wash immediately and dry thoroughly. Cut off root end of spinach and celery to separate, rinse thoroughly with water or remove all dirt.