homemade yogurt

This is a really great way to make yogurt! There are endless possibilities of flavors, and you can cut back on the sugar too. After your first batch, you just use a tablespoon of your own homemade yogurt as your starter, instead of store-bought.

4 cups water, divided
1 1/2 T plain yogurt with active cultures (this is your starter)
1 3/4 cups dry milk powder

(you can also use 4 cups whole/non-fat/low-fat milk instead of the water & milk powder, its up to you)

Pour 2 cups of water into a sealable container (1 quart), and stir in the starter-yogurt until completely dissolved. Whisk in powdered milk until completely blended. Fill with remaining water, and stir. Close the lid, and set in a warm place for 12-15 hours. You can use your gas oven (turned off), or a heating pad/in a cupboard (around 110 degrees). Refrigerate & chill before serving. Makes about 4 cups!
glory to many who have gone before me: mom, Scout...and the Mirage Restaurant (my starter)
Yogurt is the result of milk that has fermented and coagulated because it's been invaded by friendly bacteria. This is accomplished naturally by keeping the milk at about 110°F for several hours. The end result is a creamy-textured yogurt with an astringent, slightly tart taste. You can flavor with fresh fruit, added sugar, or any creative addition.